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ISBN: 9780865719927-04

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Chapter 4: Everything Connects


From: The Story of Upfront Carbon


Many talk about how we might change our housing, transportation, work or diet, but here we see that they are all tied together and interconnected; our food supply is dependent on our transportation systems, and the kind of home we live in depends on how we get around. And it all depends on how we get our energy to run it all. And in the end, our conclusion, is that it all comes down to sufficiency.



Lloyd Alter

Lloyd Alter is a writer, public speaker, architect, inventor, and Adjunct Professor of Sustainable Design at Toronto Metropolitan University. He has published many thousands of articles on diverse platforms such as TreeHugger, Planet Green, and The Guardian. Lloyd is the author of Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle. He lives in Toronto, Ontario.