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Coming Back to Life

The Updated Guide to the Work That Reconnects

Authors Joanna Macy and Molly Brown address the anguish experienced by those who would confront the harsh realities of our time. In this fully updated edition of Coming Back to Life, they show how grief, anger and fear are healthy responses to threats to life, and when honored can free us from paralysis or panic, through the revolutionary practice of the Work that Reconnects. New chapters address engaging communities of color, children and teens in the Work.


Joanna Macy

Joanna Macy, eco-philosopher, activist, and scholar of Buddhism and systems theory has an international following, thanks to 30 years in movements for global justice and ecological sanity. She is the author of 12 books including the original Coming Back to Life and Widening Circles, and she has produced a 2-DVD set entitled The Work that Reconnects.

Molly Young Brown

Molly Young Brown combines the Work That Reconnects, ecopsychology, and psychosynthesis in her work: teaching online courses, writing and publishing books and essays, coaching and mentoring, and giving talks and workshops internationally. Her five books include the original Coming Back to Life and Growing Whole: Self-realization for the Great Turning.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


We live at a time when human actions have developed a creative and destructive power that has become global in scope. And yet we fail to cultivate a corresponding sense of responsibility. Most of … 2 $0.20


A new millennium, a time of planetary destruction but also planetary communication, the loss of legitimacy among our religious institutions, youth alienation, species disappearance — all … 4 $0.40


This is a guidebook. It maps ways into our innate vitality and determination to take part in the self-healing of our world. It presents a form of group work that has grown steadily since the … 3 $0.30


Living within a society that denies the pain it causes engenders deep conflict within us, but the taboos against speaking of it, or even seeing it, are subtle, strong and complex. Being nice … 5 $0.50


Our political economy requires ever-increasing extraction and consumption of resources. To the Industrial Growth Society, the Earthi s supply house and sewer. The planet’s body is not only … ; 19 $1.90


perils facing life on Earth are so massive and unprecedented they are hard even to take in. The very danger signals that should rivet our attention, summon up the blood and bond us in collective … ; 17 $1.70


Perhaps we made our biggest error in thinking of the world as made of “stuff ” to begin with. Fortunately — and paradoxically — our very search for mastery and knowledge … ; 27 $2.70


As we stand now at the brink of destroying our planet as a home for conscious life, contemporary science and ancient spiritual traditions bring us insights into the basic miracle of our … ; 11 $1.10


Never before in history have our destinies been so intertwined. The crises facing us are too vast and complex for any one of us alone to comprehend, much less adequately respond. The fact that … ; 18 $1.80


We have received an inestimable gift. To be alive in this beautiful, self-organizing universe — to participate in the dance of life with senses to perceive it, lungs that breathe it, organs … ; 14 $1.40


Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh was asked, “What do we most need to do to save our world?” His questioners probably expected him to identify the best strategies to pursue, but Thich Nhat … ; 30 $3.00


We move into the next stage of the Spiral as we realize from personal experience that it is from our connectivity that our pain for the world arises. The very distress that, when we hid it, … ; 34 $3.40


People of today relate to time in a way that is surely unique in history. The technologies and economic forces unleashed by the Industrial Growth Society radically alter our experience of time, … ; 23 $2.30


The culmination of the workshop serves as a bridge between the experiences of our work together (described in the last four chapters) and the daily lives we are about to resume. We have come to … ; 27 $2.70


Many adults, especially parents and teachers, face an agonizing dilemma: how to talk with our children about the Great Unraveling, knowing they will suffer its effects in their lifetimes. We want … ; 29 $2.90


We decided to offer workshops that would be only for young activists of color and that would train them to become facilitators of the Work That Reconnects in their own communities. At the date of … ; ; ; ; 24 $2.40


To heal our society, our psyches must heal as well. Haunted by the desperate needs of our time and beset by more commitments than we can easily carry, we may wonder how to find the time and … ; 19 $1.90


Chief Sealth, or Seattle as he is now known, delivered a speech in his native Duwamish to his tribal assembly in the Pacific Northwest in 1854. Notes on the speech were jotted down by one Dr. … ; 3 $0.30


A Poem by Joanna Macy 4 $0.40


Here are documents and web links of major initiatives for the Great Turning that are close to Joanna’s and Molly’s hearts, having been the focus of our activism for many years and … ; 5 $0.50


In facilitating the Work That Reconnects I have found bodywork and movement to be of immense benefit. To list these benefits I can say that embodiment of the work through motion and sensory awareness. 12 $1.20