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ISBN: 9780864925299-05

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From: Bamboo Cage


The conclusion notes that Wyse buried his diary for fear of being discovered. He spent the rest of the war on Java, and was able to retrieve his diary and type up the manuscript.



Jonathan F. Vance

Jonathan F. Vance was educated at McMaster University, Queen’s University, and York University before joining the Department ofHistory at The University of Western Ontario in 1997. He was named the Canada Research Chair in Conflict and Culture in 2001 and in 2003, his contribution to the study of history was further recognized with a Premier’s Research Excellence Award, to study the relationship between government, culture, and nationalism. His work on the First World War, aviation, national building projects, prisoners of war, and social memory crosses disciplinary boundaries to embrace history, cultural studies, communications theory, geography, and sociology. Among his books are the award-winning Death So Noble: Memory, Meaning, and the First World War (1997), High Flight: Aviation and the Canadian Imagination (2002), Building Canada: People and Projects That Made the Nation (2006), and Unlikely Soldiers: How Two Canadians Fought the Secret War Against Nazi Occupation (2008).