
Publication Year


ISBN: 9780776605999-13


Elizabeth Smart and Cecil Buller: Engendering Experimental Modernism

From: The Canadian Modernists Meet


It is is because of their gender-inflected approach to the world, the body, and systems of signs that both were led to question the poetics of impersonality and the aesthetics of purity of their respective arts as well as to create practices of writing and visual representation that today we recognize as both innovative and experimental. Their gendered and experimental exploration of the body, sexuality, and the phenomenal world offers a mystical vision of life that takes matter as the point of origin in a quest for spiritual meaning. It is this gender inflection that in part defines Smart’s and Buller’s contribution to

the historical development of Canadian modernism.


Anne Quéma

Anne Quéma teaches at Acadia University. A specialist in theory and twentieth-century British literature, she has published The Agon of Modernism: Wyndham Lewis's Allegories, Aesthetics, and Politics (1999). She has written articles for Studies in Canadian Literature, Philosophy and Literature, West Coast Line, and Gothic Studies.