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ISBN: 9781773634890-12

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Fictious Polarizations

The Far Right, Corporate Power, and Social Struggles in Brazil


From: The Socialist Register 2022


Ana Garcia, Virginia Fontes, and Rejane Hoeveler carefully unpack the ‘fictitious polarizations’ involved in the electoral opposition between the right and the ‘centre’ opposition that is being pulled to the right in quarrels over ‘cultural values’, while remaining within the confines of the hegemony of the corporate sector in Brazil. The chapter follows the far-right rule of Jair Bolsonaro. Polarization has taken on multiple meanings and this contrasts, they argue, with real polarizations resulting from an organized and combative working class that develops, invoking Gramsci’s term, a ‘spirit of cleavage’, in being conscious of, and determined to pursue, its class interests. Topics discussed include “Brazilianization”, the far right, corporate power, social verse political struggles, the Brazilian working class, neoliberalism, and much more.



Ana Garcia

Ana Garcia is Assistant Professor at the International Relations Institute of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, and the Graduate Program in Social Sciences at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro.

Virginia Fontes

Virginia Fontes is Professor at the Graduate Program in History at Fluminense Federal University and at the Florestan Fernandes National School – MST.

Rejane Hoeveler

Rejane Hoeveler is Lecturer at the School of Social Service at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and has a PhD in History from the Fluminense Federal University.