
Publication Year


ISBN: 9781459411135-04

Categories: , ,

Fifty Years in Indian Country

From: Canada Since 1960: A People's History


This chapter will review Canadian Dimension’s coverage by decade in order to show the sweep of its coverage. This narrative also allows for showing the development of a distinctive consciousness around Aboriginal issues in the magazine. In general, early issues focused on Aboriginal poverty or militancy; slowly a growing awareness of the specificity of Aboriginal and treaty rights as issues sinks in, and eventually many around the magazine come to see Aboriginal politics as, rather than a sideshow, a central political struggle within Canada.



Peter Kulchyski

Peter Kulchyski is a Professor of Native Studies at the University of Manitoba and a long term activist around indigenous land rights. Among his many publications are Like the Sound of a Drum, The Red Indians and Aboriginal Rights are not Human Rights. He is currently active with hydro-affected communities in northern Manitoba and is working on a book about Northwest Territory Mountain Dene struggles for justice.