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ISBN: 9781774390610-22

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For Now


From: Tracking the Caribou Queen


This chapter concludes the memoir with Margie’s final days in Yellowknife following the completion of her exams, her last camping trip with Lawrence, their lack of a proper goodbye, apologizing to Carmel, feeling her community, and realizing who or what the caribou queen truly was.



Margaret Macpherson

Raised in Yellowknife (now Denendeh) NWT, Margaret quickly got an education in the real world, traveling extensively in Europe, Australia, and Central America before settling into an English Lit undergraduate degree in the early 80’s at the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. Margaret wrote for periodicals and magazines (as well as being sole employee of a Halifax volunteer-run leftist bookstore) during her eight years in Atlantic Canada before venturing to Bermuda as a full-time reporter.