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ISBN: 9780776606613-08


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From Beautiful Losers to No Logo! German Readings of Jewish Canadian Writing

From: Translating Canada


This chapter explores which Jewish Canadian authors and books have been published in German and how they have been reviewed and addresses the way in which the German reception accounts for the success of Jewish Canadian writing on the German book market.



Fabienne Quennet

Fabienne Quennet is an academic assistant in the Sprachenzentrum at the University of Marburg. She studied American Studies, English literature, and Media Studies in Germany and the United States, and her dissertation on Louise Erdrich was published in 2001. More recently, she has also worked and published in the field of Jewish Canadian literature, producing essays that include The Workings of Memory in Anne Michaels’s Fugitive Pieces(2000), Mordecai Richler, Montreal, and the War: Reading The Street (2005), Jewish Canadian Literature: A Short Introduction (2005), and Mordecai Richler, ‘Benny, the War in Europe and Myerson’s Daughter Bella (2007). She has taught courses on Jewish Canadian literature and lectured on the history of Jewish Canada. Forthcoming is an essay on the shtetl in the work of Jewish Canadian women writers Lilian Nattal and Nancy Richler.