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Publication Year


ISBN: 9780776605968-09


From "Culture" to "Knowledge"

An Innovation Systems Approach to the Content Industries

From: Accounting for Culture


Overview of the components of a content industry innovation




Stuart Cunningham

Stuart Cunningham is a professor at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia and the director of the University’s Creative Industries Research and Applications Centre. He is an experienced researcher and research manager in the fields of media, communications, cultural policy, higher education and in what is now called the “creative industries.” He is known for his policy critique of cultural studies, Framing Culture (1992), and for the co-edited New Patterns in Global Television (1996) and the co-authored Australian Television and International Mediascapes (1996).;

Terry Cutler

Terry Cutler is the principal of Cutler and Company, a high-level communications consultancy based in Melbourne.;

Greg Hearn

Greg Hearn is a professor and a research and development coordinator.;

Mark David Ryan

Michael Keane is an Australian Research Council postdoctoral fellow in the Creative Industries Research and Applications Centre at the Queensland University of Technology.;

Michael Keane

Mark David Ryan is a doctoral candidate.