
Publication Year


ISBN: 9781459405073-03

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Grassroots Movements

Cogs that Turn Larger Wheels

From: Quiet No More


Chapter two analyzes the role of grassroots movements in recent years and their common role as cogs that turn larger wheels (e.g., large progressive groups and institutions of mainstream politics). To this end, I review a “powershift” in green activism, the reemergence of Aboriginal militancy through the Idle No More movement, and grassroots campaigns to assist long-suffering Palestinians.



Joel D. Harden

JOEL D. HARDEN works as a social justice consultant in Ottawa and currently teaches at Carleton University in the Department of Law and Legal Studies. During his term as Adjunct Professor at Brock University he served as union liaison for its Centre for Labour Studies. He is an advisory board member for Our Times Magazine and has written numerous academic and general articles. He lives in Ottawa.