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ISBN: 9781773635217-04

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Guatemala: They Flattened Our Milpa


From: Tiny Engines of Abundance


Chapter 4 examines Guatemala during the mid-20th century, as various governments sought to “modernize” Mayan traditional milpa agriculture, resulting in a genocide directed at Mayan peasants and an attempted eradication of milpa agriculture, meant to crush these people and impose use of ‘modern’ methods. The chapter discusses topics including the history of milpa agriculture, colonialism on the region, the coffee revolution, wage labour, peasant revolutionaries, and the history of state-led or state-abetted violence against and dispossession of Mayan peasants in Guatemala.



Jim Handy

Jim Handy is a professor of history at the University of Saskatchewan. He has written extensively on Guatemalan history and more generally on peasant economies, agrarian reform and political economy. He has been president of the Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, which awarded him a Distinguished Fellow recognition in 2015, particularly for his contribution to graduate student training. He has received numerous teaching awards and the J.W. George Ivany Internationalization Award by the University of Saskatchewan.