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ISBN: 9781552216385-01

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In vitro Fertilization

Part One — IVF: The Beginning of a Modern Human Reproduction Revolution


From: Fertility


In In vitro Fertilization McTeer explains and examines the creation and first use of in vitro fertilization or IVF in humans. The chapter explains what in vitro entails, its original uses for cattle, and the case of Louise Brown, the first baby born using IVF. It also covers the ensuring UK Committee of Inquiry into Human Fertilization, Embryology and the 1982 Warnock Report, all of which worked to address the new era of assisted human reproduction.



Maureen McTeer

For more than four decades, Maureen McTeer has been a leading advocate and role model for gender equality in Canada. She remains a strong advocate for greater public funding for all aspects of women’s health and care, and a staunch defender of women’s health and reproductive rights.