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ISBN: 9780776605012


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Interpreters as Diplomats

A Diplomatic History of the Role of Interpreters in World Politics

This book looks at the role played throughout history by translators and interpreters in international relations. It considers how political linguistics function and have functioned throughout history. It fills a gap left by political historians, who seldom ask themselves in what language the political negotiations they describe were conducted.


Ruth Roland

Ruth Roland authored two books, Translating World Affairs and Interpreters as Diplomats, A Diplomatic History of the Role of Interpreters in World Politics.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Introduction 6 $0.78


Preface 2 $0.26


As anthropologists know, even the most primitive of peoples maintained an intertribal communication which must be deemed an elementary form of diplomacy. But since not all tribes spoke the same … 31 $4.03


We have seen how bilingual Greek scholars, steeped in Byzantine diplomatic lore, relocated to the four corners of Europe and, in the greatest numbers, to Venice. From them the Venetians learned … 41 $5.33


Infinitely harder to surmount are the psychological and cultural differences, of which language is a mere reflection. 38 $4.94


It had been necessary to devote two preliminary Council sessions to the question of the language medium to be used at the conferences 35 $4.55


It might be enlightening to take a peek at the careers of a few of the more outstanding interpreters of the 20th century. 18 $2.34