Managing Climate Risk: Adaptation Stories



From: Resilient Agriculture, 2nd Edition


This book shares the adaptation stories of more than 40 sustainable farmers and ranchers growing food across the U.S.. Sections include: Farmers and Ranchers in the Northwest and Southwest – Farmers and Ranchers in the Great Plains – Farmers in the Midwest – Farmers in the Northeast and Southeast – A New Path for American Agriculture?



Laura Lengnick

Laura Lengnick has worked for decades to put sustainability values into action as a researcher, policymaker, educator, activist, and farmer. She led award-winning soil health and sustainable farming research at USDA and served as a lead author of the USDA report, Climate Change and Agriculture in the United States: Effects and Adaptation. Laura founded and owns Cultivating Resilience, LLC, and serves as the Director of Agriculture at the Glynwood Center for Regional Food and Farming. She lives in Asheville, NC.