

Publication Year


From: Whose Streets?


In 2010 G20 leaders met in Toronto to pursue an agenda of bailouts and austerity measures. Unsurprisingly, thousands of people gathered in Toronto for ten days of action to oppose these proceedings. More surprising was the brutal reaction of the police to the thousands of protesters: arbitrary state violence on a scale never before seen in Canada, afterwards seen as one of the greatest security fiascos and the largest mass arrest in Canadian history. The introduction to this book summarizes the events and their aftermath and gives a brief analysis of the effects of the violence on the demonstrators and observers.



Tom Malleson

Tom Malleson is an anti-authoritarian social justice organizer, particularly within anti-poverty and migrant justice movements. He is a PhD candidate in political science at the University of Toronto.

David Wachsmuth

David Wachsmuth is a PhD candidate in sociology at New York University and was trained as an urban planner at the University of Toronto. He is an organizer with GSOC-UAW, the graduate employee union at NYU.