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ISBN: 9781552216385-08

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Provincial and Territorial Laws Respond

Part Two — Provincial Legislation: Assisted Human Reproduction and the Changing Definitions of Family


From: Fertility


In Provincial and Territorial Laws Respond McTeer examines the responses from across Canada about the use of IVF technology in human reproduction. The chapter explores issues relating to a persons access to assisted reproductive services are limited in availability and access, which depends on a person or couples lives and their ability to pay, as well as which provincial and territorial governments where they live as some are unable or unwilling to cover all the costs attributable to assisted human reproduction within their health insurance schemes, the chapter also reflects on the federal government has been absent in terms of providing the provinces and territories with funds specifically designated to cover all costs of IVF and related fertility services.



Maureen McTeer

For more than four decades, Maureen McTeer has been a leading advocate and role model for gender equality in Canada. She remains a strong advocate for greater public funding for all aspects of women’s health and care, and a staunch defender of women’s health and reproductive rights.