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ISBN: 9780865719217-11

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Relationalize Property

From: Free, Fair and Alive


Chapter eight explores pathways to relationalize property, beginning with a case study of a food cooperative store. They then make the case for relationalizing property. There are case studies about Federated Wiki in the information sphere, Mietshäuser Syndikat in the real estate sphere, hacking in the produciton, open source seeds in the agricultural sphere and the Japanese idea of Iriaiken in the sphere of land stewardship and growing mushrooms. They conclude with offering basic patterns of relationalized property.



David Bollier

David Bollier is the Director of Reinventing the Commons Program at the Schumacher Center for a New Economics, co-founder of the Commons Strategies Group, and author of Think Like a Commoner. He blogs at and lives in Amherst, MA.