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ISBN: 9780865719217-12

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State Power and Commoning

From: Free, Fair and Alive


Chapter nine considers how commoning would progress if it were supported by the state in the form of governance and provisioning, and anticipates the challenges of doing so. It clarifies the meaning of "the state" and "the people" in their discussion, and the history of the emergence and function of the state. Then the chapter discusses how commoning is beyond state reform or revolution, and shows the power of commoning in light of the limits of the state. The chapter then proposes ways that state power can be used to support commoning.



David Bollier

David Bollier is the Director of Reinventing the Commons Program at the Schumacher Center for a New Economics, co-founder of the Commons Strategies Group, and author of Think Like a Commoner. He blogs at and lives in Amherst, MA.