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ISBN: 9781773635217-01

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“Swept Away through Injustice”


From: Tiny Engines of Abundance


Chapter 1 introduces the premise of the book, which is to reexamine the idea of progress that we tie to the evolution of industrial agriculture over the last 200 years. Examination of this period of history makes clear that this progress did not always make things better nor improve the lives of the peasantry. The author points out that, for 200 years, we were told that peasants were inefficient and unproductive, that peasants need to be dispossessed and displaced to allow for other “more efficient” uses of their labour, “supervised by capitalists,” to enable economic growth and prosperity and because of this we have been told that hundreds of thousands — or millions or billions— of hungry mouths require that peasants be dispossessed to allow more industrious farmers to feed them. This book examines the reality of peasants as the tiny engines of abundance who could revolutionize our relationship with food and our environment.



Jim Handy

Jim Handy is a professor of history at the University of Saskatchewan. He has written extensively on Guatemalan history and more generally on peasant economies, agrarian reform and political economy. He has been president of the Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, which awarded him a Distinguished Fellow recognition in 2015, particularly for his contribution to graduate student training. He has received numerous teaching awards and the J.W. George Ivany Internationalization Award by the University of Saskatchewan.