Taking the Leap: 2016


From: From Layton to Singh


Chapter 5 focuses on the NDP’s recovery plan after the upset of the 2015 election. The chapter covers topics including Mulcair’s defence in the leadership review, Alberta NDP’s Climate Leadership Plan, the internal debates surrounding Muclairs leadership, the Leap Manifesto and the parties shift away from it.



Matt Fodor

Matt Fodor is a writer, political strategist and PhD candidate in political science at York University. His research areas are Comparative politics and Canadian politics with a special interest in social democracy. Matt is a long-time observer of the NDP and has written extensively about the party at the federal and provincial level, including chapters in Party of Conscience (2013) and Tax is Not a Four-Letter Word (2018). He has contributed to NOW, Rabble and The Bullet. He lives in Toronto.