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ISBN: 9780776603995


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Teaching Translation from Spanish to English

Worlds Beyond Words

While many professional translators believe the ability to translate is a gift that one either has or does not have, Allison Beeby Lonsdale questions this view. In her innovative book, she demonstrates how teachers can guide their students by showing them how insights from communication theory, discourse analysis, pragmatics, and semiotics can illuminate the translation process. Using Spanish to English translation as her example, she presents the basic principles of translation through 29 teaching units, which are prefaced by objectives, tasks, and commentaries for the teacher, and through 48 task sheets, which show how to present the material to students.


Allison Beeby-Lonsdale

While many professional translators believe the ability to translate is a gift that one either has or does not have, Allison Beeby Lonsdale questions this view.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


The importance of translation should not be underestimated, particularly in a world that has to learn to husband its resources as one world or perish in the attempt. Without translators, … 2 $0.24


No one would deny the difficulties involved in translating into a foreign language, and yet it is a possibility. The practice is necessary in most countries. This has always been the case, and it … 4 $0.48


Translation programs can help students to improve their translating skills. The foundation of schools of translation around the world suggests that this principie is accepted by a wide body of … 5 $0.60


The aim of this book is to establish the theoretical and methodological basis for structuring a professional prose-translation class. The students are learning to develop translator-transfer … 5 $0.60


Some translation-theory models and recent developments in related fields that can be of use in teaching translation. 17 $2.04


This section takes a descriptive approach to the process of translating, because only by understanding the process can a practical teaching methodology be evolved. 18 $2.16


A systematic attempt to apply semantic and pragmatic analyses to a Spanish text and to show how the semantic and pragmatic macrostructural constraints influence the morphosyntactic and lexical … 30 $3.60


A fuller definition of the teaching objectives and a method for achieving them. 8 $0.96


Discusses student translator competences. 5 $0.60


Having compared student translator competence with ideal translator competence within the teaching context, it is now possible to adapt the list of general translation teaching objectives to the … 4 $0.48


The aim of this methodology is to teach a skill—translating. As has already been stressed, the translation class is above all a practical class, and yet the students have to understand the … 5 $0.60


Teaching units 1 to 4: Words out of context, The same word in different contexts, Semantic fields and lexical sets and Strategies for nonequivalence. 14 $1.68


Teaching units 5 to 10: Sentences out of context I, Sentences out of context II, Imagining contexts – Registers, Imagining contexts and readers, Comic strips and Textual Interaction. 22 $2.64


Teaching units 11 to 17: Intersemiotic translation, Oral summary of oral text, Oral translation of oral text, Subtitling, Conversation interpreting – Role play, Police and court … 26 $3.12


Teaching units 18 to 26: Standardized language, Recipes and instructions, Institutional reports – the United Nations, Weather reports, Meteorological expressions used metaphorically, Job … 36 $4.32


Discusses cohesion in a text, provided by a network of lexical, grammatical, and other relationships that provide links in the surface structure of the text, as well as coherence in a text, which … 16 $1.92