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ISBN: 9781926662787-10

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Telling Multiple Stories of “Race” in Canadian Higher Education

From: “Too Asian”?


This chapter provides several personal stories of the experience of race and racism among students ant Canadian universities.



Soma Chatterjee

Soma Chatterjee is doing a PhD in Adult Education and Community Development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto. Her research looks at the settlement and integration of racialized immigrants and how the notion of skills training generates a specific immigrant subject distinct from Canadian ``citizens.'' Soma has worked as a Health Promoter at Women's Health in Women's Hands Community Health Centre in Toronto. She teaches at the School of Social Work, Ryerson University.

Mandeep Mucina

Mandeep Mucina is working on a PhD in Adult Education and Community Development at OISE, University of Toronto. She was born and raised in a small community on Vancouver Island. Since arriving in Toronto in 2005, Mandeep has been active in the South Asian community in the area of violence against women. She works as a Research Assistant at Ryerson University and teaches in the Social Work and Child and Youth Care programs.

Louise Tam

Louise Tam is an MA candidate in Sociology and Equity Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Her research investigates the social relations of race, citizenship, and psychiatric power; in particular, she is interested in the pathologization of postcolonial subjects. Louise is also an activist in the Mad movement, through which people with experiences in the mental health system, including psychiatric survivors, articulate alternatives to the medical model of mental illness.