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ISBN: 9780776606613-04


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Translating the Canadian Short Story into German

From: Translating Canada


While paying attention to economic and marketing strategies in connection with literary and cultural factors for the translation of Canadian short stories into German, I base this chapter on six main reasons for translation that are most often put forward in regard to the selection of texts.



Klaus Peter Müller is a professor of English at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany. His published works include articles on British, Canadian, and Irish literatures, literary theory, Translation Studies, Cultural Studies, and the relationships between literature and epistemology, constructionism, anthropology, and culture. He has also published various books on these topics, among them Epiphanie: Begriff und Gestaltungsprinzip im Frühwerk von James Joyce (Frankfurt, 1984); (ed.) Contemporary Canadian Short Stories (Stuttgart, 1990, reprinted with additions 2002); (ed.) Englisches Theater der Gegenwart: Geschichte(n) und Strukturen (Tübingen, 1993); (with Barbara Korte and Josef Schmied) Einführung in die Anglistik (Stuttgart/Weimar, 1997, 2nd ed. 2004); (ed., with Barbara Korte) Unity in Diversity Revisited? British Literature and Culture in the 1990s (Tübingen, 1998); and Wertstrukturen und Wertewandel im englischen Drama der Gegenwart (Trier, 2000). He is currently working on a book about translations of British short stories into German.