
Publication Year


ISBN: 9780776605968-16


Vers des indicateurs culturels élargis?

Justificatifs des politiques culturelles et indicateurs de performance au Québec et en Europe

From: Accounting for Culture


Examine la nature des relations qui s’etablissent entre justificatifs des politiques culturelles et indicateurs de performance au Quebec, au sein de l’Union européenne et au Royaume-Uni.



Christian Poirier

Christian Poirier is a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa. His research interests include policies of ethnic diversity management, cultural policies, interest groups, and the relationship between citizens and the state. He is the author of Le cinéma québécois. À la recherche d’une identité?, Tome 1; L'imaginaire filmique, Tome 2; and Les politiques cinématographiques (2004), and has contributed several chapters to other books and articles published in scientific journals. A native of Quebec City, he has a doctorate in political science from l’Institut d'Études Politiques de Bordeaux.