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ISBN: 9780776606279-16


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The Contextual Turn in Learning to Translate

From: Lexicography, Terminology, and Translation


Dictionaries and corpora remain essentially different tools. Dictionaries chase a moving target (as Sue Atkins has said), corpora get closer to this moving target, but even they are always slightly behind real time in language use. Dictionary information is elaborated and fully analyzed; corpus information is shakier but more “real” and unrefined, and it leaves a great deal to the user to sort out.



Krista Varantola

Krista Varantola is a professor of English at the School of Modern Languages and Translation Studies at the University of Tampere, Finland, and was formerly rector (president) of the university. She has published widely on language for special purposes and on dictionary use in translation. From 2000 to 2002, she was president of EURALEX (the European Association for Lexicography). Her current research interests include the use of electronic text corpora in translation, interactive electronic dictionaries, as well as interactive lexical interfaces to knowledge bases—in other words, the creation of human-driven technology (software) and not technology-driven humans.