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ISBN: 9781770416215-06

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Chapters 26-30


From: My Road from Damascus


Includes the chapters "The Road to Al-Qala’a Civil Prison", "In the Citadel (Al-Qala’a Civil Prison, April 1981)", "William’s Treasure", "Hashish Smugglers Give Lectures on English Literature", and "Letters, Short Stories, and Exams". Topics discussed include Saeed’s time in the Damascus Citadel (Al-Qala’a Civil prison), meeting fellow writer Khalil Barayyiz, being taught by imprisoned Englishman Mr. Anthony, and the networks of learning within the prisons.



Jamal Saeed

Jamal Saeed spent 12 years as a prisoner of conscience in Syria before being invited to Canada in 2016. He continues to raise awareness about Syria’s ongoing civil war and humanitarian crisis through his work as an activist, editor, visual artist, and author. He lives in Kingston, ON.