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ISBN: 9781926824949-12

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An Avatar of Colonial Europe

Collette Braeckman

From: Rwanda and the New Scramble for Africa


In Chapter 12, Philpot reviews Colette Braeckman’s book “Rwanda, Histoire d’un genocide”, published immediately after the Rwandan war in October 1994. Philpot addresses key issues in her writing such as Braeckman’s praising of Belgium’s role in the region as Rwanda’s former imperial masters, her blatant bias in favour of the Rwandan Patriotic Front, her very favourable treatment of Paul Kagame and the Rwandan Patriotic Front, and her slandering of other leaders such as President Habyarimana. Philpot uses Braeckman’s work as an example of what to avoid when writing so soon after a major international crisis, as the premises and assumptions of such works can prove to be false or unfounded, thus discrediting the entire book.



Robin Philpot

Robin Philpot is a Montreal writer, translator, and publisher. He has written six books in French and is co-author of A People’s History of Quebec.