
Publication Year


Canada’s Shared Destiny and the Future of Medicare

From: Medicare


Examines the choice that we as Canadians make about medicare as one that is fundamentally intertwined with our nation’s values and its future. Looks at medicare reform from this persepective



Roy Romanow

Roy Romanow, former premier of Saskatchewan (1991–2001),was appointed by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, in 2001, to head the Royal Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada, whose mandate was to recommend policies and measures to ensure the long-term sustainability of a universally accessible, high quality, publicly administered health care system for all Canadians.The Commission’s final report was released November 28, 2002. In 2003, he received the Economic Justice Award from the Atkinson foundation, and the Administration Award from the Pan American Health Organization. He is a senior fellow in Public Policy at the University of Saskatchewan and a visiting fellow at the School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University. Mr. Romanow is an officer of the Order of Canada. Roy Romanow was first elected to the Saskatchewan Legislature in 1967. Between 1971 and 1982, he served as deputy premier of Saskatchewan, attorney general and minister of Intergovernmental Affairs.