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ISBN: 9781552770009


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Facts, Myths, Problems & Promise

Most health care professionals are committed to the principles of medicare, and so are most other Canadians. Yet everyone recognizes that the health care system has serious problems, and often does not provide the level of care the public expects. Getting a realistic picture of what is good and bad about the system, and how it can be fixed while staying true to the fundamental principles of publicly-funded health care is the focus of this book.

Editors Bruce Campbell and Greg Marchildon have gathered 34 contributors who offer a wide-ranging, authoritative portrait of medicare in Canada today. Experts from Canada and around the world provide unbiased data on costs, quality of care, wait times, and the overall health of the population. There are international comparisons which show how Canada’s system ranks with the rest of the world. Front-line health care practitioners describe the key successes and failures of the Canadian system today. Policy makers discuss the potential impact of attacks on the system aimed at opening up health care to profit-oriented corporations, and point to alternatives for better care from inside the public system. Visionaries set out the potential of the system to move from a disease orientation to a focus on ensuring a healthy population of children and adults.

For anyone involved in health care – and for every citizen who cares about the future of this social program – this book offers a unique source of reliable, independent information and analysis from experts who share a basic commitment to the values of medicare. At a time when ideologues and advocates of privatization capture much of the attention of the media and politicians, this collection is an invaluable source of information and ideas.


Bruce Campbell

Bruce Campbell is executive director (since 1994) of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Beyond his administrative responsibilities, he has spoken and written widely on public policy issues, and is a frequent media commentator. For many years he coordinated the Centre’s Alternative Federal Budget project. He is co-author or editor of four books including: (with Maude Barlow) Straight Through the Heart: How the Liberals Abandoned the Just Society (HarperCollins, 1995); and Living with Uncle: Canada-US Relations in an Age of Empire (Lorimer, 2006). He was formerly a researcher with the North South Institute, a policy analyst with the federal NDP caucus, and a senior economist with the Canadian Labour Congress

Greg Marchildon

Greg Marchildon is currently Canada Research Chair in Public Policy and Economic History at the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Regina. He is a senior fellow at the School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University, a mentor with the Trudeau Foundation, and the chair of the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation. After receiving his PhD from the London School of Economics, he taught at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies in Washington. Dr. Marchildon served as cabinet secretary and deputy minister to the premier of Saskatchewan from 1996 to 2001. He was executive director of the Romanow Commission on the Future of Health Care. He is the author of Health Systems in Transition: Canada (University of Toronto Press, 2006) as well as other books and articles on Canadian health policy.

Chapter Contributors Pages Year Price
Gives a definition of Medicare so as to pinpoint the difference between the term in Canada and the US, a brief history of Medicare in Canada, outlines the conference in 2007 that led to this book.
; 7 $0.70
Discusses the 2 SOS Medicare Conferences and the importance of Public Health
; 8 $0.80
discusses the need for social justice and equality in terms of public health and democratic socialism
13 $1.30
Discusses Tommy Douglas’s lasting legacy as a political leader through his introduction of universal health care
; 8 $0.80
Looks at how to fulfill the legacies of Tommy Douglas and Woodrow Lloyd and the steps that need to be taken in order to do so and outlines two promising areas of advancement
6 $0.60
Analyzes the Canada Health Act and what we need to be aware of now and in the future regarding it
6 $0.60
Looks at the cycle we have fallen into regarding treating illness rather than preventing it and what we must do to break free from this cycle specifically focusing on the needs of the young
8 $0.80
Outlines that the real issue is not whether for-profit private care is the answer, but rather how we can find a collective answer to achieve the vision of “Medicare 2.” Looks at the …
8 $0.80
Looks at the erosion of the faith in US Health Care, Cost and Quality of US Health Care, a snapshot of Canada’s Health Care system, advantages and disadvantages of Singly-payer health care …
20 $2.00
Examines the two competeing ideologies in the debate about the roles of government and the private sector in the financing and delivery of health care. The two competing ideologies are the …
8 $0.80
Examines the pharmaceutical industry and the paradox of what the drug companies say vs. what really happens. Concludes with a recommendation for pharmacare in Canada
7 $0.70
Analyzes the market-based health care system in the US and what Canada can learn from it. Concludes that The US experience has shown the world that, when you allow investor-owned for-profit …
11 $1.10
Analyzes the Canadian Health Care System and to what extent it falls under the domain of trade treaties despite the assurance that it is beyond trade treaties reach
10 $1.00
Examines the adoption of a single-payer medicare system in Taiwain that is based off the model of Canada’s system and looks at the potential for public underfunding
7 $0.70
Analyzes the economic and political sides of the Canadian Medicare system. Specifically looks at the ideas of a sustainable medicare system and how the system is fraught with inequality
48 $4.80
I discuss the majority judges’ poor appreciation of the interface between public and private health insurance across different health care systems and how, subsequently, this lack of …
45 $4.50
An analysis of Bill 33 and what it means for Quebec Health Care
6 $0.60
This chapter provides an overview of a P3 hospital model as it has been implemented by Ontario, and assesses the potential effects of this scheme on access to publicly funded hospital services. …
18 $1.80
Looks at the Health Care affordability debate by exploring what is left out of the statistics used by the Government such as population growth, inflation and income growth. Looks at what it would …
8 $0.80
Looks at the original vision for Medicare in Saskatchewan, how the system as worked where implemented properly, how the second stage has been left out of implementation in many places, and …
29 $2.90
From a nurses perspective examines the findings of the 2005 National Survey on the Work and Health of Nurses, and what needs to be done to protect the health and safety of nurses
8 $0.80
Examines the Electronic Health Record and its role to play in the realization of first-rate, safe, efficient, and just health care
8 $0.80
Examines Health Care Reform from the perspective of women. Concludes that planning for care means planning with women in mind, not only for the sake of the women, but also for the sake of the …
6 $0.60
Analyzes the debate about pharmacare by noting the similarity between how we fund perscription drugs and the way America funds their entire health care system and notes our rejection of this …
8 $0.80
Makes an argument in favour of federal pharamcare in Canada as opposed to provincial. The federal government has virtually all the regulatory tools, while the provinces are responsible for …
18 $1.80
Proposes a strategy for Mental Health in Canada
8 $0.80
Argues for more of an integration of Home and Community Care into our established Health Care System
8 $0.80
Analyzes that the second stage of medicare needs to be about prevention and community health centres
6 $0.60
Examines how inequality is a factor in the health of Canadians and outlines things that must happen in order to correct this and ensure the health of Canadians
16 $1.60
Analyzes the relationship between poverty and health and how this has been missing from the health discussions by the policy makers
16 $1.60
Looks at the growing economic gap and how it factors into the health debate
6 $0.60
Examines how the fight for housing must be included in the fight for basic health care because as long as homelessness exists there will always be a two-tiered system
5 $0.50
Examines that now is the time to incorporate an indigenous understanding of health into our medicare system
; 8 $0.80
Examines the choice that we as Canadians make about medicare as one that is fundamentally intertwined with our nation’s values and its future. Looks at medicare reform from this persepective
19 $1.90
Looks at the need to include doctors in the medicare agenda
4 $0.40
Examines the threat that the charter presents to medicare and the people’s place in influencing medicare decisions
7 $0.70
Offers six concepts to fixing the health care system while maintaining that it is all about the people
5 $0.50
Looks at the threat to public health caused by the idea of continental deep integration. Looks at the Security and Prosperity Partnershipt, SMART Regulations, trade investment and labour mobility …
6 $0.60
Looks at the Health Council of Canada’s 2007 report that synthesizes four years of public opinion polling (2002 to 2006) on the Canadian health system as it relates to reforming rather than …
7 $0.70
Examines how we must broaden the intellectual and institutional spaces for joint social activism — the kind of activism that will advance both medicare and Social Determinents of Health …
12 $1.20