Canadian multiculturalism and its nationalisms

From: Home and Native Land


Argues the importance for Canadian scholars of noting the roots of at least some aspects of multicultural discursive practice in the United States. In the U.S., the discourse and even the everyday practice of multiculturalism is quite commonplace and in some important ways has influenced the trope of multiculturalism north of the border. In particular, the hegemonic association between immigration and multiculturalism and the related discourse that posits that all non-Natives are immigrants has spurred at least two developments that are evident in Canada.



Nandita Sharma

Nandita Sharma is an associate professor of Ethnic Studies and Sociology at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Her activist scholarship deals with migrant labour, national state power, ideologies of racism and nationalism, processes of identification and self-understanding, and social movements for justice.