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ISBN: 9780864929174-01

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Drawing a Line in the Sand

The Western Sahara

From: Walls


This chapter focuses on the berm/’Wall of Shame" in the Western Sahara, which has a long history but which was completed in 1987 and is still manned by Moroccan troops and watched over by UN peacekeepers. The berm, as the Wall is often called, is the longest and oldest still-functioning security barrier in the world. The wall’s history and politics are explored, and first-hand accounts of life around the wall (particularly from the perspective of the Saharawis) and of its impact are detailed.



Marcello Di Cintio

Calgary writer Marcello Di Cintio's book, Harmattan: Wind Across West Africa, won the Henry Kriesel Award for Best First Book. His second book, Poets and Pahlevans: A Journey Into the Heart of Iran, won the Wilfred Eggleston Prize. He has also written for numerous magazines and journals, including the Walrus, EnRoute, Geist, Reader's Digest, Afar, and the Globe and Mail.