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ISBN: 9781771861496-13

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Eugenics and the Alien in Our Midst

SECTION THREE - The reception of franco-americans

From: A Distinct Alien Race


While tensions cooled in the early 20th century, there was renewed backlash against Franco-Americans in the era following the First World War was part of a nationwide trend targeting “hyphenated Americans,” U.S. residents who spoke a language other than English. The resurgence of Nativism fueled two early-20th century currents: the eugenics movement and the revived, new-look Ku Klux Klan. This chapter explores the eugenics movement and its targetting of Franco-Americans, whom this movement deemed an "inferior race."



David Vermette

David Vermette is a researcher, writer, and speaker on the history and identity of the descendants of French North America. He was born and raised in Massachusetts.