
Publication Year


Expressing Gratitude

From: Intrinsic Hope


When we are grateful, we naturally become more hopeful. By recognizing and appreciating the gifts we have been given, gratitude breeds hope. Gratitude doesn’t deny the mess we are in, but it does offer a different way of being with our problems because it understands that life is a gift to be treasured. It says thank you for big things, such as someone saving your life, as well as small ones, such as someone holding a door open for you. We can express gratitude for anything that brings a smile to our faces and cheerfulness to our hearts. It’s counting our blessings, not only our problems.



Kate Davies

Kate Davies MA, DPhil, has worked on environmental and social issues for her entire career. She set up and managed the City of Toronto's Environmental Protection Office and established and directed a successful environmental policy consulting company. Davies is currently clinical associate professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Washington, emeritus faculty at Antioch University, and senior fellow at the Whidbey Institute. Her written work has been published in newspapers, magazines, and journals and she is the author of The Rise of the U.S. Environmental Health Movement. Davies lives in Langley, WA.