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ISBN: 9780776606279-17


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Film Translation Research in Spain: The Dubbing of Hollywood Movies into Spanish

From: Lexicography, Terminology, and Translation


In Spain, film translation (FT), as an area of academic study, began to make a modest appearance in university courses from 1994 onward, starting at the University of Valladolid. Then came the first doctoral dissertations (Chaves García on translation for dubbing, 1996; Díaz Cintas on subtitling, 1997). However, it was not until 1999 that the first book about FT in Spanish was published (Agost Canós on dubbing).



José Bravo

José-María Bravo is a full professor at the University of Valladolid, Spain, where he is program director for the MA and the PhD in translation studies as well as director of the ITBYTE Research Institute. His publications include papers and books on screen translation, crosslanguage interference, corpus linguistics, specialized translation, and translation tools.