

Publication Year


ISBN: 9781459411135-00

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Foreward and Introduction

Keeping the Spark Alive

From: Canada Since 1960: A People's History


Sets up the ideas behind the book and why it is important. Outlines a bit about Canadian Dimension in that it is a intellectual left megazine and thoughts on why it has remained in circulation



Cy Gonick

CY GONICK is the founding publisher of Canadian Dimension magazine and the author of several books on the Canadian economy. An NDP member of Manitoba's Legislative Assembly from 1963 to 1973, Gonick was the program coordinator for the Labour and Workplace Studies program at the University of Manitoba until his retirement in 2001. He lives in Winnipeg

Mel Watkins

Mel Watkins is Editor Emeritus of This Magazine and a long time political activist. He is Professor Emeritus of Economics and Political Science, University of Toronto and a recipient of the John Kenneth Galbraith Prize of the Progressive Economics Forum for his contribution to economics and social justice. His scholarly writings focus on the role of staple exports in Canadian economic growth. He blogs for rabble and the Progressive Economics Forum and has published over the years in Canadian Dimension.