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ISBN: 9780776606279-09


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French Theorists, North American Scholiasts

From: Lexicography, Terminology, and Translation


While increases in frequency and narrowing of collocational range are typical of terminological formation, there may well be (at least in the humanities) a difference in kind between “home-grown” terminologies—those that emerge from direct, hands-on involvement—and those cobbled together aprés coup by academics turned translators. The very fact that these lexical oddities can all be traced back to items that are widely and idiomatically used in the writings of French theorists (Lacan’s regard, Althusser’s interpeller, etc.) would seem to point to the heavy hand of translation.



Barbara Folkart

Barbara Folkart was a colleague of Ingrid Meyer at the School of Translation and Interpretation of the University of Ottawa. Her publications include Le Conflit des énonciations: Traduction et discours rapporté (1991) and Second Finding: A Poetics of Translation (2007, University of Ottawa Press) as well as critical editions of medieval French texts, and a poetry collection (Words for Trees, Vancouver: Beach Holme, 2004), which was a finalist for the 2006 Gerald Lampert Award.