
Publication Year


ISBN: 9781552213827-08


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Indigenous Rights and Relations with Animals

Seeing beyond Canadian Law

From: Canadian Perspectives on Animals and the Law


Examination of the limits of Canadian law on the understanding of the relationship between animals and the legal rights of Indigenous peoples.



Constance MacIntosh

Constance MacIntosh (LLB, Osgoode; MA, Alberta) practised Aboriginal law for several years before joining the Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University, where she has taught Aboriginal law for a decade. She is currently the Director of Dalhousie’s Health Law Institute. Much of her research is about how Canadian law intersects with the health and well-being of Indigenous peoples and communities in Canada. She recently completed work as an expert panel member for the Council of Canadian Academics for a report on Food Security in Northern Canada, and as a member of the Independent Panel advising the Nova Scotia government on hydraulic fracking.