
Publication Year


Loving the World

From: Intrinsic Hope


When I think about what loving the world means to me, I feel a deep aspiration for the happiness, flourishing, and wellbeing of other people, other species, and the earth. This could be called universal love. In everyday life, however, my love is often limited to my family and friends. This could be called particular love. In a well known quotation, Albert Einstein drew attention to this distinction, and to the need for universal love.



Kate Davies

Kate Davies MA, DPhil, has worked on environmental and social issues for her entire career. She set up and managed the City of Toronto's Environmental Protection Office and established and directed a successful environmental policy consulting company. Davies is currently clinical associate professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Washington, emeritus faculty at Antioch University, and senior fellow at the Whidbey Institute. Her written work has been published in newspapers, magazines, and journals and she is the author of The Rise of the U.S. Environmental Health Movement. Davies lives in Langley, WA.