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ISBN: 9780776629599

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North America’s Arctic Borders

A World of Change


Although part of a broader circumpolar world, North America’s Arctic and sub-Arctic borders—and the establishment of new boundaries in the wake of significant, and regionally unique, change—are increasingly relevant in the broader, global world.

Indeed, the Arctic reality has been dramatically reshaped by new territorial configurations and comprehensive land claims; increasing flows of international investment and trade focused upon resource industries and hydrocarbon extraction; the growing importance and role of sub-national entities, organizations, and Indigenous governments; shifting geopolitical interests; and existential challenges created by climate change and environmental security.

This book demonstrates how North America’s Arctic borders are being reshaped by globalization even as these borders are adjusting to new internal pressures such as devolution and the rise of sub-national territorial interests.


Heather Nicol

Heather Nicol is Professor of Geography in the School of the Environment and Director of the School for the Study of Canada at Trent University. Nicol was the 2015–2016 Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Arctic Studies at the University of Washington.

Andrew Chater

Andrew Chater is Assistant Professor (contract) at Brescia University. He is a fellow at Polar Research and Policy Initiative. He was the 2019–2020 North American and Arctic Defense and Security Network (naadsn) Postdoctoral Fellow, and the 2018–2019 Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Arctic Studies at the University of Washington.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


In the introduction, the editors of the volume introduce their topic and define important terms. They suggest that there are important perspectives to be gained from exploring the North American … ; 15 $1.50


This chapter is an exploration of the historical definition of land and maritime boundaries in the North American North, as well as the related disputes that followed their delineation, … ; 22 $2.20


This chapter assesses our understanding of globalization within the North American Arctic in light of larger geopolitical concepts of security and border management, including consideration of … ; 21 $2.10


Chapter 4 continues the theme of subnational actors and Indigenous governance, examining the implications of border delineation for Indigenous Peoples and cultures within the Canadian and … ; 23 $2.30


This chapter turns to the ways in which contemporary trade and economic processes both reinforce and pose challenges to the maintenance of domestic and regional borders. In the North American … ; 26 $2.60


This chapter focuses on environmental change, which has quickly become the most important project of border security in the North. Water governance is a key. The focus remains on how cross-border … ; 21 $2.10


Chapter 7 addresses the nature of new security challenges for the North American Arctic region, such as the role of civilian and non-civilian agencies in ensuring the security of northern … ; 19 $1.90


In this chapter, conclusions are drawn about the way in which Arctic borders in Canada, the US, and Greenland have been transformed by contemporary political, environmental, economic, and … ; 3 $0.30