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ISBN: 9781771861366-14

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Nunavut: The Long Road Before

Historical Context by Louis McComber

From: Let's Move On


Louis McComber gives a thorough account of the history of Nunavut.



Louis McComber

Louis McComber lived in Iqaluit, Nunavut, from 1993 to 2005 and quickly became captivated by the process of the creation of Nunavut, the third Canadian Arctic territory. He was a journalist for the French-language weekly l’Aquilon and the CBC North Boréal Hebdo radio show, and wrote a bi-monthly column of political and cultural commentary in Nunatsiaq News. Louis McComber holds an MA in anthropology and has recently lectured in the First Peoples’ program at the University du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue.