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ISBN: 9781771135078-01

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Part One: Section I

The Good and Bad of Some Earlier Feminist and Left Organizing in the Region


From: The Point is To Change the World


This reading consists of the following essays: The Angle You Look from Determines What You See: Towards a Critique of Feminist Politics and Organizing in the Caribbean [2002] – The Historic Centrality of Mr. Slime: George Lamming’s Pursuit of Class Betrayal in Novels and Speeches [2003] – The Grenada Revolution, the Caribbean Left, and the Regional Women’s Movement: Preliminary Notes on One Journey [2010] – Conversations about Organizing: Revised Excerpts from an Interview with Andaiye by David Scott [2004]




Andaiye (September 11, 1942–May 31, 2019) was one of the Caribbean’s leading

Alissa Trotz

radical political figures, social and political thinkers, and public intellectuals. She