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ISBN: 9781459416956-07

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Pharmaceutical Companies

Relationship Between the Canadian Government and Big Pharma — “Clientele Pluralism”


From: Corporate Rules


In this chapter, Joel Lexchin examines the pharmaceutical industry and “clientele pluralism. “ Lexchin argues that the pharmaceutical industry can drive regulation by influencing not just the regulatory agencies– in this case Health Canada– but also the broader government directly, through lobbying and donations and through other activities such as direct participation on task forces that help form overall government policy. The ultimate result is that the state actively supports the broad regulatory goals of industry, which result in the government drug regulatory agencies exercising a check on drug companies’ claims both before and after products are marketed. The author argues for the need to recognize the importance of regulating the industry in the interests of public health.



Joel Lexchin

Joel Lexchin is a Professor Emeritus, School of Health Policy and Management at York University and an Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. He is an emergency physician with the University Health Network and a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences.