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ISBN: 9781552216385-11

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Research and the Human Embryo

Part Three — Research on Human Embryos


From: Fertility


In Research and the Human Embryo McTeer examines some of the myriad of related issues raised by research on human embryos, and the medical-scientific research presented to Canadians — especially legislators and judges — with pressing public health and research policy challenges and choices. The chapter explores topics such as ethical and legal issues with what it means to be human in the future, potential of embryonic research, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Genetic Disease and Disorders research, the Human Genome Project, and the law that governs genetic testing and discrimination.



Maureen McTeer

For more than four decades, Maureen McTeer has been a leading advocate and role model for gender equality in Canada. She remains a strong advocate for greater public funding for all aspects of women’s health and care, and a staunch defender of women’s health and reproductive rights.