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ISBN: 9780865717763-05

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Starting With Me

Communication and Rhetoric

From: Educating for Action


This chapter helps activists improve their communication skills and rhetorical strategies. The two basic skills of speaking and writing are covered in detail. The chapter then outlines various strategies for analyzing audiences, constructing effective messages, creating achievable goals, and understanding how different social situations necessitate certain kinds of communication and rhetoric. Hopefully, by the end, you will understand how communication and rhetoric are primary tools for changing the world.



Jason Del Gandio

Jason Del Gandio, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and public Advocacy at Temple University. His areas of scholarly expertise include the philosophy of communication, social and political theory, rhetoric, and critical analysis with a focus on social movements and radical social change. Jason has participated in the Global Justice Movement, the Anti-war movement, the anti-Republican National Committee demonstrations of 2004, fair trade campaigns, Latin American solidarity work, and the Occupy movement. Jason has appeared on television and radio, and regularly speaks on college campuses and at public venues. His first book is entitled Rhetoric for Radicals: A Handbook for 21st Century Activists.