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ISBN: 9781771131094-29

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Tar Sands, Extreme Energy, and the Future of the Climate Movement

Part III: Future Prospects

From: A Line in the Tar Sands


In Chapter 28 Brian Tokar explores lessons from the past and how this can be used in fighting the tar sands, discussing topics including the “No Nukes” movement in North America, the relationship between technological and social changes, post-petroleum/post-suburban world, utopianism versus reality, public motivations, and a potentially hopeful vision for the future.



Brian Tokar

Brian Tokar is the Director of the Institute for Social Ecology and a Lecturer in Environmental Studies at the University of Vermont. He has written and edited many books, including Toward Climate Justice (New Compass Press) and Earth for Sale: Reclaiming Ecology in an Age of Corporate Greenwash (South End Press).