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ISBN: 9780865719217-03

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The OntoShift to the Commons

From: Free, Fair and Alive


In the second chapter, the authors dig into the question of why commons have been so ignored in the modern era, despite their long history, and suggest that a new ontological perspective is needed to understand and recognize the commons. They then examine how our ontological stories have shaped the reality we have now, and how the commons arises from a different basic ontology that is rooted in the relationality rather than the individualism of everything. They articulate the OntoStory that we live in now in the West, and how it has shaped our politics and sense of possibilities. They then consider how complexity science has shifted scienfitic paradigms and how it relates to the commons. They close the chapter with a call to shift toward a relational ontology in order to see the power of the commons.



David Bollier

David Bollier is the Director of Reinventing the Commons Program at the Schumacher Center for a New Economics, co-founder of the Commons Strategies Group, and author of Think Like a Commoner. He blogs at and lives in Amherst, MA.