
Publication Year


ISBN: 9781926662787-01

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The Parable of the Textbook

Education, Meritocracy, and Why History Matters

From: “Too Asian”?


Where did Maclean’s get the notion that they were honourably defending “merit-based” admissions policies against American racist policies? The idea that only considering “merit” would result in more Asian-American students being admitted to universities was the product of anti-affirmative-action debates in the United States in the 1990s. The author taught at UCLA during a politically contentious fight about removing affirmative action from public universities.



Henry Yu

Henry Yu is the Director of the Initiative for Student Teaching and Research in Chinese Canadian Studies at the University of British Columbia, and the Project Lead for the $1.18 million ``Chinese Canadian Stories'' project involving UBC, Simon Fraser University, and a wide spectrum of academic and community collaborators across Canada. He is working on a trio of books that aim to provide new perspectives on global history and migration history.