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The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Canada

A Citizen's Guide

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, with its twelve participating countries on three continents, is the largest regional trade and investment agreement that Canada has ever negotiated. It is also one of the most controversial— for good reason. Negotiations ended exactly a year ago, in October 2015, and the TPP was signed in New Zealand in February 2016. But there is no guarantee it will ever come into effect.

Opposition to the TPP is strongest in the United States, where both 2016 presidential nominees vowed to kill or significantly renegotiate the deal. Outgoing President Barack Obama characterized the TPP as a Made-in-America deal in the hope of getting it passed into law shortly after the November presidential election. But is what is good for corporate America good for Canada?

In this book, experts in a dozen policy areas explain what the impact of the TPP agreement would be on Canada. Many of the key issues they explore have received little media coverage, notably the effect of the TPP on environmental protection, health care and other public services, Canada’s cultural industries, the labour market, human rights and the democratic decision-making process generally. Perhaps most controversially, the TPP would expand the rights of multinational corporations to sue governments for policies and decisions that interfere with their profits.

Most public commentary on the TPP in Canada has come from CEOs and business lobbyists with a vested interest in furthering a free-trade model that impoverishes democracy and weakens our ability to shape public-interest regulation. The expert contributors to this book, drawn from academia, the labour movement and NGO world, offer an independent and nuanced account of the real but underreported costs of the TPP.


Scott Sinclair

SCOTT SINCLAIR is a senior research fellow with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, where he directs the centre's Trade and Investment Research Project. He was formerly a senior trade policy advisor with the government of British Columbia.

Stuart Trew

STUART TREW is the editor of the CCPA Monitor, a bimonthly publication of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. He was previously a trade researcher and campaigner with the Council of Canadians and, before that, editor of a popular weekly newspaper in Ottawa.
Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Overview of the Trans-Pacific Partnership in terms of it’s effect on Canada. Briefly outlines the debates and the specific areas that other chapters delve more thoroughly into. ; 23 $2.30


Claims the TPP will generate significant trade benefits for Canada are unfounded. Canada already has tariff-free access to most of the TPP region. 24 $2.40


Explores the implications of the TPP for public health care resulting from the agreement’s provisions on intellectual property, services and investment. 26 $2.60


Explores the implications of the TPP for drug costs resulting from the agreement’s provisions on intellectual property, services and investment. 18 $1.80


Argues that the TPP’s Environmental Protection Standards are not what they claim to be and are not effectively enforceable as exemplified by opposition fron Environmental Organizations. 17 $1.70


Suggests that the TPP’s Labour Protection Standards are not what they claim to be and are not effectively enforceable as exemplified by opposition fron Labour Organizations. ; 15 $1.50


Canada’s temporary entry commitments in the TPP cover a wider range of occupations and sectors than NAFTA, and for the first time the system would be extended to countries such as Australia … 28 $2.80


analyzes one of the most contentious features of the TPP and similar agreements going back to NAFTA. The investor–state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism gives foreign investors the right … 16 $1.60


Alexandre Maltais discusses how the TPP turns away from values enshrined in the 2005 UNESCO convention on cultural diversity, and toward the notion that culture is merely a commodity like any other. 16 $1.60


Michael Geist, one of Canada’s most knowledgeable and incisive critics of the TPP, examines the implications of its copyright provisions. As anticipated early on in the negotiations, the … 15 $1.50


Daniel Sheppard and Louis Century, lawyers at Goldblatt Partners, provide a compelling case study that warns how corporate interests in the U.S. might take advantage of these novel provisions to … ; 13 $1.30