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ISBN: 9781771133746

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Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women

We are witnessing a new surge of interpersonal and institutional violence against women, including new witch hunts, which have occurred alongside an expansion of capitalist social relations. In this new work Federici revisits some of the main themes of Caliban and the Witch, examining the root causes of these developments and outlining the consequences for the women affected and their communities. No less than the witch hunts in sixteenth-and seventeenth-century Europe and the “New World,” this new war on women is a structural element of the new forms of capitalist accumulation founded on the destruction of people’s most basic means of reproduction.


Silvia Federici

Silvia Federici is a feminist activist and scholar whose writing and political activities have contributed enormously to the broad Autonomist tradition. Known for her intellectual generosity, sharp, nonconformist thought, and searing critiques of capitalist society, Federici’s work has inspired the generation of social activists associated with the rise of the alter-globalization movement.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


- 8 $0.80


The readings in Part One of this title explore the history of witch hunts and place them in the context of contemporary violence against women. This reading consists of the first three verses of … 3 $0.30


The readings in Part One of this title explore the history of witch hunts and place them in the context of contemporary violence against women. This reading consists of an essay written in the … 4 $0.40


The readings in Part One of this title explore the history of witch hunts and place them in the context of contemporary violence against women. This reading argues that the English enclosures, … 9 $0.90


The readings in Part One of this title explore the history of witch hunts and place them in the context of contemporary violence against women. This reading argues that witch hunting was partly … 11 $1.10


The readings in Part One of this title explore the history of witch hunts and place them in the context of contemporary violence against women. This reading consists of an exploration of the … 9 $0.90


The readings in Part Two of this title explore the ways in witch the attitudes that spawned the witch-hunt have survived into the modern world. This chapter consists of a discussion of the forms … 14 $1.40


The readings in Part Two of this title explore the ways in witch the attitudes that spawned the witch-hunt have survived into the modern world. This chapter consists of a case study of modern … 27 $2.70


- 11 $1.10