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ISBN: 9781771131094

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A Line in the Tar Sands

Struggles for Environmental Justice

Tar sands “development” comes with an enormous environmental and human cost. But tar sands opponents—fighting a powerful international industry—are likened to terrorists; government environmental scientists are muzzled; and public hearings are concealed and rushed.

Yet, despite the formidable political and economic power behind the tar sands, many opponents are actively building international networks of resistance, challenging pipeline plans while resisting threats to Indigenous sovereignty and democratic participation.

Featuring contributions from Winona LaDuke, Bill McKibben, Naomi Klein, Clayton Thomas-Muller, Harsha Walia, Jeremy Brecher, Crystal Lameman, Melina Laboucan-Massimo, Yves Engler, Cherri Foytlin, Macdonald Stainsby, Yudith Nieto, Greg Albo, Brian Tokar, Jesse Cardinal, Rex Weyler, Jess Worth, and many more.


Stephen D'Arcy

Stephen D'Arcy is an associate professor of philosophy at Huron University College, Western University. A long-time social activist and protest organizer, he teaches and writes about democratic theory and practical ethics.

Toban Black

Toban Black is a community organizer and an associate editor for Upping the Anti.

Tony Weis

Tony Weis is a professor of Geography at Western University and author of The Global Food Economy.

Joshua Kahn Russell

Joshua Kahn Russell is the US Actions Coordinator for, a trainer with the Ruckus Society, and a co-editor of Organizing Cools the Planet.
Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Forward by Naomi Klein and Bill McKibben. ; 2 $0.20


In the Introduction the editors explain the premise of the book, which serves as a tool for use in classrooms, a guide for activist strategy, and a way to share the historic and present struggle … ; ; ; 20 $2.00


In Chapter 1 Angela Carter uses petro-capitalism as a lens to capture the scale and complexity of the tar sands industry, focusing on our economic, political, and environmental costs of fossil … 13 $1.30


In Chapter 2 Randolph Haluza-DeLay summarizes some of the key methods used to represent the tar sands and build public consent, to the continuing destruction they cause. Topics include public … 9 $0.90


In Chapter 3 Ryan Katz-Rosene examines how federal and provincial governments alongside industry and high-profile apologists have constructed narratives by reframing environmental concerns. … 10 $1.00


In Chapter 4 Yves Engler discusses Canadian diplomacy in the decades of its rapidly growing tar sands and its push for carbon-heavy oil globally. It discusses topics including international … 9 $0.90


In Chapter 5 Dave Vasey reflects on the deep historical narrative of activism, examining the relationship between environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs) and tar sands campaigns, and … 12 $1.20


In Chapter 6 Martin Lukacs examines the anti–tar sands movement in Quebec, focusing on topics such as the Moratoire d’une génération (One-Generation Moratorium), civil … 8 $0.80


Chapter 7 is an interview with Harsha Walia by John Kahn Russell. ; 7 $0.70


In Chapter 8 Harjap Grewal focuses on the Canadian responses to Chinese investments in the tar sands, exploring topics including international trade agreements, xenophobia and the history of … 8 $0.80


In Chapter 9 MacDonald Stainsby explores the rise of “extreme” fossil energy extraction such as for oil shale and fracking for “tight” oil and natural gas. The chapter … 11 $1.10


In Chapter 10 Melina Laboucan-Massimo explores the struggles of the Lubicon Cree of Northern Alberta who face challenges from the encroachment of massive oil and gas development without their consent. 5 $0.50


In Chapter 11 Crystal Lameman focuses on the fight for the rights of Mother Earth and the rights of nature. 9 $0.90


In Chapter 12 Jesse Cardinal discusses and explores healing, through topics such as Tar Sands Healing Walk. 7 $0.70


In Chapter 13 Toban Black critically examines the conference titled “Bitumen—Adding Value: Canada’s National Opportunity” in May of 2013, discussing potential tar sands … 12 $1.20


In Chapter 14 Tyler McCreary focuses on the contested process governing the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway project, discussing topics including environmental concerns, legislative … 14 $1.40


In Chapter 15 Christine Leclerc and Rex Weyler explore the power and devastation of the tar sands in a project called “The Enpipe Line: 70,000+ kilometres,” poetry written in … ; 6 $0.60


In Chapter 16, the authors examine Keystone XL (or KXL) and the Tar Sands Action. ; ; 15 $1.50


In Chapter 17 the authors examine the scope and breadth of resistance across the Gulf Region of the United States, including the Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services, Tar Sands Blockade, … ; 14 $1.40


In Chapter 18 Sonia Grant focuses on the oil spill into the Kalamazoo River and the controversies that surrounded cleanup efforts. It discusses topics such the health impacts and gaps in … 12 $1.20


In Chapter 19 Jess Worth explores The UK Tar Sands Network (UKTSN), discussing solidarity with First Nations in Canada, exposing Canadian lobbying of the British and European Union (EU) … 10 $1.00


Chapter 20 focuses on the underlying structural problems in organized labour that make it difficult to confront broad social issues like global warming. 9 $0.90


In Chapter 21 Winona LaDuke explores the Ojibwe prophecy for the seventh fire and how it relates to collective or individual actions, discussing the Natural Resources Defense Council, disasters … 11 $1.10


In Chapter 22 Clayton Thomas-Muller examines how the present environmental framework is being developed from native rights, discussing the cost of loss of ecosystems, the global climate crisis, … 13 $1.30


Chapter 23 examines resistance to pipelines across Turtle island (Canada), discussing Indigenous resistance and the anti-pipeline movement, decolonization, the resurgence of Indigenous … 14 $1.40


In Chapter 24 Emily Coats focuses on Indigenous-led movements in Northern Alberta, discussing climate change, climate injustices, pollution, the Crown and Canadian law, and the UN Declaration on … 12 $1.20


In Chapter 25 Bill McKibben explores the challenges of breaking the hold of power and oil companies’ control in Canada and outlines a call to action. 7 $0.70


In Chapter 26 Stephan D’Arcy examines strategies to tar sand resistance by Indigenous communities, environmental NGOs, trade unions, and community defence organizations, and how to bring it … 11 $1.10


In Chapter 27, Greg Albo and Lilian Yap discuss the ecological and social implications climate change has—or should have— in becoming a central parameter for all discussions of work … ; 13 $1.30


In Chapter 28 Brian Tokar explores lessons from the past and how this can be used in fighting the tar sands, discussing topics including the “No Nukes” movement in North America, … 11 $1.10